Thursday 26 August 2010

The storyso far continued........

Following an illness and a very seriously broken ankle, catching up with other course work put this stuff on the back burner. Am now recovered and fit again, so back at at the Mac to get this underway.

Terry Collins

Thursday 4 March 2010

....the story so far:

In a moment of uncharacteristic madness I signed up for a BSc Degree in photography and am now in the second year, which includes creative digital imagery, and so this blog. With a background in art as well as an interest in photography I am beginning to experiment with combining the two to produce my images.

Being particularly interested in Science Fiction films, books and graphic novels, I have taken that genre as my main (but not only) theme. Part of the current assignment is the creation and publication of ten themed images, with step by step illustration showing the working process of their creation, my commentaries on them and my self evaluation.

All constructive criticism, comment, and advice is welcomed. More to come. Keep watching the sky.... and this blog.

Terry Collins
